Tim Brown is a dealer in rare records, writer, soul label owner and occasional deejay. After encountering Northern Soul in his home town of Todmorden in the early seventies, he accumulated one of the most complete collections of the genre in the world and moved on two decades later to become a professional retailer. As one of the people behind the Goldmine label he was part of the first attempt to put Northern Soul on to compact disc. The author currently writes a monthly column for the music magazine Manifesto (also available on the blog) and is now involved in the Outta Sight record label; previously he co-wrote The Essential Northern Soul Price Guide over two editions.
Also known for expertise within the world of zoos, Tim Brown has written books, papers and articles on that subject. In writing The Wigan Casino Years Brown has always drawn upon personal experiences and memories from the period in question to create an accurate account of Northern Soul’s most important years.
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